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NY GOP Rep. Lawler to Newsmax: universities are NOT ready for repeat of antisemitic protests

August 20, 2024

‘My concern is that these protests are only going to return once again … [and] these universities have done nothing to prepare for it.’


By Brian Freeman |

Universities are not ready for the unsafe environment for Jewish students that renewed antisemitic protests surrounding the war in Gaza will bring to campuses as the academic year reopens soon, Rep. Mike Lawler, R-N.Y., warned Newsmax on Monday.

The New York Republican emphasized on “Wake Up America” that “as we approach the new school year, my concern is that these protests are only going to return once again … [and] these universities have done nothing to prepare for it.”

He said that Jewish students “should be very concerned” and reiterated that universities have a responsibility to crack down on [the protests] immediately, and any university that fails to enforce the law and fails to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the students … should be held accountable, including losing federal dollars.”

Columbia University President Minouche Shafik’s resignation last week “was long overdue,” Lawler said. “She should have resigned immediately during the height of those protests back in April and May.”

The congressman said that students “were engaged in antisemitic protests making it unsafe for Jewish students on the campus … We said to [Shafik] at the time that her No. 1 responsibility is to ensure the safety and well-being of those students and she failed in that responsibility.”

Lawler said that one of the most frustrating aspects of this entire episode has been the failure of Democrat Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to act.

He emphasized that “the Senate majority leader from New York, the highest ranking Jewish official in American history, has been sitting on my bill, the Antisemitism Awareness Act, for months. This bill passed overwhelmingly in the House … and would have over 75 votes in the Senate.”

Lawler explained that this legislation would “codify President [Donald] Trump’s executive order from 2019 into law requiring the Department of Education to use the IHRA working definition of antisemitism for all Title 6 violations of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,” which universities haven’t done.

The congressman said that his “hope is that serious legislation [such as his bill] is passed holding these universities and colleges accountable.” ##