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USA, ALIEN NATION – Govt data now confirm Biden-Harris regime replacing American workers with foreigners.

August 6, 2024

Native-born Americans have suffered 1.2 million total job losses over the last year while foreign-born employment has risen by 1.3 million jobs.


By William Upton | The National Pulse

Data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows the Biden-Harris government is continuing to replace native-born American workers with immigrant labor entering the country both legally and illegally.

Over the last year, native-born Americans have seen total job losses hit 1.2 million. Meanwhile, foreign-born employment has risen by 1.3 million jobs.

The National Pulse reported in February that economic studies showed a bulk of the job creation in the Biden-Harris economy was fueled by immigrant labor.

Reflecting the latest jobs data, a Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) analysis of employment numbers from 2023 found the figure of 2.7 million ‘additional’ individuals joining the workforce in the fourth quarter of last year came about because of an increase of 2.9 million legal or illegal immigrant jobs and a decline of 183,000 native-born American jobs.

Additionally, there is evidence that the so-called “cooking” being done on the monthly jobs report is again the result of the Biden-Harris border crisis and the unchecked flow of illegal immigrants.

While payrolls surged in the spring, the core driver was a rising number of part-time jobs—mostly being taken by illegal immigrants.

One area that has seen an explosion in illegal labor is food delivery. The National Pulse reported in April that illegal immigrants have become ubiquitous in the currier and delivery sectors.

However, due to the lack of federal and state regulations, many of these illegal immigrant laborers are working while they lack basic vehicle insurance and work permits.