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Trump signals he’ll establish a special presidential commission to look into ‘malevolent, corporate-influence cartel networks.’

By Jefferey Jaxen |

In a recent video, former President Donald Trump signaled he would establish a “special presidential commission of independent minds” to determine what is causing the increase in chronic illness. 

“This conversation is long overdue…it’s time to ask what’s going on” stated Trump, 

Many involved in this space demanding investigation and justice for years, and even decades, have seen several opportunities pass by to ask ‘what’s going on’ with little change ever occurring. 

Meanwhile, one of the major pillars of RFK Jr.’s 2024 campaign is to investigate chronic illness in children – a message that he has been consistent on through his career. 

With the Democratic party currently engulfed in uncertainty, the unofficial RFK Jr.-Trump alliance found on this topic is hopeful for several reasons.

It increases the percentage that something will actually get changed as more attention begins to focus on this topic.

It puts Big Pharma on notice while upping the chances whoever is the next president is will carve out a space to aggressively approach chronic childhood illness by any means necessary.Subscribe

Despite presidential candidates dipping their toes into this conversation, it has been parents who have carried the torch for decades seeking answers and raising awareness to the increasing chronic illness and disease that have plagued their children.  

Ten days before Trump took office in 2017, he met with RFK Jr. to discuss forming a commission on vaccine safety and scientific integrity to which he would lead. 

The President-elect is exploring the possibility of forming a committee on Autism, which affects so many families; however no decision have been made at this time,” his transition team said in a statement provided to The New York Times.

The President-elect looks forward to continuing the discussion about all aspects of Autism with many groups and individuals.” 

For reasons still unknown to this day, the Trump team decided not to green-light the commission which may have proven useful going into the early stages of COVID vaccine development.

Why look at vaccine safety and it’s link to chronic illness?  

A formal exchange between attorneys at the Informed Consent Action Network and US Health and Human Services in 2018 states: 

…the increase in HHS’s childhood vaccine schedule over the last 30 years from 8 vaccine injections to 50 vaccine injections (plus 2 injections during pregnancy) has occurred in lockstep with the increase in the rate of autoimmune, developmental and neurological disorders in children from 12.8% to 54%. HHS has no explanation for why U.S. children today are plagued with a chronic disease and disability epidemic.

Meanwhile, safety review periods in clinical trials for vaccines are too short, often days or weeks, to detect most chronic health conditions further hamstringing an entire body of health and research.  

Why is this a campaign issue? 

The economic burden of America’s chronic illness problem began to get much-needed attention with a 2018 report from the Milken Institute estimating $1.1T in direct costs and $3.7T

The COVID response torpedoed the mainstreaming and critical mobilization of the medical and research communities into the burden of chronic disease, especially among children.

Closed off was this investigative avenue to the funding and national effort needed to address this problem.  

One only needs to look at how the dominate culture went to war with the benefits of vitamin D, sunlight, and fresh air during the COVID response to see the lengths those from corporate media to heads of regulatory agencies will go to silence simple, lifesaving information when it protects power, control and pharmaceutical product lines.   

Yet it’s not all about the shots. 

An article from Politico titled, How Washington Keeps America Sick and Fat states, “the federal government has devoted only a tiny fraction of its research dollars to nutrition…

Studying the relationship between diet and health is such an afterthought that Washington doesn’t even bother tracking the total amount spent each year.

After reviewing the federal budget documents, Politico found,

the National Institutes of Health and the Agriculture Department — the two agencies that fund the majority of government-backed nutrition science — share of research dollars devoted to nutrition has stayed largely flat for at least three decades, and pales in comparison to many other areas of research.

Pharma outspends all other industries in lobbying. Meanwhile, there is no major lobbying force behind boosting nutritional research funding.

America’s sick-care, pharmaceutical product-based ‘health’ paradigm appears rooted, driven, and amplified by the lobbying efforts of corporate interests.Subscribe

Profit-driven industry is happy to let accurate and beneficial information about nutrition and the harms of their products die on the vine of public awareness.

Channeling their efforts more into protecting their products from much-deserved bad press and the outing of known harms into the public conversation. 

For American children to thrive, these malevolent, corporate-influence cartel networks, wherever they operate within the medical, nutrition, agriculture, or environmental sectors must be splintered in a thousand pieces and scattered it to the winds. Political alliances in efforts to better this situation is a much needed step forward. ##  

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