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‘THIS MADNESS HAS TO STOP’ – GOP Assembly candidate John Isaac vows ‘I support law enforcement and I mean it.’

October 13, 2024

‘Last year Yonkers PD arrested a shoplifter 17 times over 13 months [who] wasn’t convicted of  a single crime. He walked out the door and did it again and again, never appearing in court, due to “bail reforms” [Dem incumbent] Sayegh rubber-stamped & voted for.’


By Dan Murphy | The Yonkers Times

Yonkers Assembly candidate John Isaac discussed the latest crime statistics, which show that total crime is up in Westchester County by 30% since the pandemic. Violent crimes are also up by 18% and Burglary and Larceny crimes have increase by 44%.

“The first thing we need to do is to be honest about our crime statistics. Not only do I support our Yonkers Police, I want to see more police on our streets and more funding overall for the Yonkers Police Department.

“Our number 1 priority is public safety. Without safe streets, we can’t take our kids to school; we can’t get to work safely; we can’t shop and spend in our local businesses free from threats of shoplifting and violence.

“Let me point out a few, key difference between what I will do in Albany and what my opponent has been rubber stamping in Albany on crime.

“When I speak to members of the Yonkers Police Department on the streets, their number one concern is the fact that they keep arresting a number of repeat offenders, and they are back on the streets shortly after their arrest.

“This is due to the bail reforms that Nader Sayegh rubber-stamped and voted for.

“Last year, Yonkers police arrested a shoplifter 17 times over 13 months. And he was not convicted of one crime. He was arrested, he walked out the door and did it again and again and he never came back for his court appearances.

“This madness has to stop. The Yonkers Police Department posted the following after the 17 arrests.

“Thieves and recidivist property offenders have been empowered to literally stroll through our retail stores and steal what they want with impunity. These perpetrators have no fear of committing crimes or getting caught. Why?

“If there are no consequences for bad behavior, if the criminal justice system is a revolving door, then we fail to protect the public.

“Courts must have the discretion to jail offenders based on their propensity to re-offend or the danger they pose to the community. Fix our laws. Put victims and law-abiding citizens first.

“I couldn’t agree more. Even the judges want some discretion over holding the same persons arrested who appear in their courtroom.

“Two years ago, I saw how older residents who live on South Broadway had empty shelves in their drugstores from shoplifting. Nader Sayegh is making our police officers work harder by rubber-stamping this agenda in Albany.

“I also want to work on Gun Safety, but a different type of Gun Safety. One that helps our police take illegal guns off our streets. I would support increasing funding for the Yonkers Police Department gang unit and officers who are already working to take guns off our streets.

“We all know about the epidemic of young men killing young men in our communities with illegal guns. But politicians don’t like talking about it

“There’s now a crazy plan to let anyone over the age of 55 the ability to be released by the parole board, based on their age.

“I also continue my calls to work with our federal law enforcement to identify if migrant criminals are here in Yonkers. I support having our law enforcement work with ICE, and not having to live in a Sanctuary County.

“I understand that some law enforcement agencies have endorsed my opponent. I’m here to say that I will do what’s right for Law enforcement regardless of who they support.  I will always put the interests of the everyday people of Yonkers first when I am elected, and the best thing for the people of Yonkers is to feel safe in their communities.

“And when I’m in Albany, the Yonkers Police Department will love me, because of what I stand for, and what I won’t stand for.

“Thanks to our men and women of the Yonkers Police Department for all that you do to keep our families safe. I want to Back the Blue in Albany.

“I support law enforcement-and I mean it,” said Isaac. ##

John Isaac came to this country legally three decades ago, and has lived in Yonkers, raised his children, and created a small business. He is not a career politician, and is running for office for the first time because of the failed policies coming out of Albany. He hopes his children and grandchildren can enjoy living the American Dream in Yonkers.

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