Make America Great Again!
000 DAYS
to November 5 to Take Our Country Back!

Why Westchester?

You should be asking us two very important questions:

  1. WHY do we/you need a website about Westchester County? and
  2. WHAT do we mean by ‘Wake Up!’?

Fair enough. Here are THREE (3) very clear answers:

  1. The people who live, work, study, pay taxes and vote in this County may be among the most educated, sophisticated and informed people in the world about business, finance, technology, science and the arts, BUT…
  2. Many don’t seem to give a flying flip about unknown and unchecked politicians formulating policies, making decisions and spending enormous amounts of our tax money AS THEY PLEASE behind our backs while…
  3. Laughing uproariously perhaps at such foolishly irresponsible inattention by so many people who ought to know better but are too busy, too bored or just too lazy to bother with politics, politicians and political issues.

Meanwhile, the joke’s on us…because while we’re so busy, bored and lazy ALL SORTS OF SHENANIGANS ARE BEING PULLED ON US – legal and illegal, ethical and unethical, unfair, improper and immoral – at, by, and from the lowest to the highest government level…

…and yet nobody – Republican, Democrat, Independent or any of the so-called Legacy Media — seems to be saying or DOING much of anything about it. By and large, they seem to be happy with just the way things are.

We see this as a problem.

Because as you may have noticed, this country has gone to hell in a hurry…and our long, long descent is far, far from over.

  • Our once-great cities are scenes of squalor and violence.
  • Public discourse has turned relentlessly hostile.
  • Our Constitutional Rights continue to be eroded.
  • Simple truth has given way to blatant propaganda, and
  • Government control of policy and process has been turned against us.

…AND THAT is what the Perspectives, Opinions, Insights and Viewpoints we choose to bring to your attention and comment on in this space, seven days a week, are and will continue to be all about.

We intend to Wake Up, Westchester! – quite literally – by calling your attention to, and providing a steady stream of newsy, critical insights

  • from and for a Suburban Conservative, Westchester County perspective
  • about People, Issues and Events that can and will no longer be ignored.

Sign up today and see what we mean.