Parents of children of all ages, ponder this: “Toddlers [using screens] already display the first signs of addiction-like behavior. In addition, disturbances in brain development can easily occur, with dire consequences.
Even older children, who increasingly spend more time on screen devices, are in danger. More frequent media consumption can lead to speech inhibition, attention deficiency, concentration and sleep disturbances, hyperactivity, aggression, right through to reading and spelling disturbances.”
Every parent of every child…yes, all the way up and into the teen years especially, needs to read and be concerned about damage already done, and what kind of preventive action to be taken forward.
Today’s children are growing up in a reality that increasingly revolves around digital machines and little else.
For those unaware—this lonely existence is unacceptable to their health and well-being.
Without question, the destructive effects of a life wired to phones, social media, and video games are causing talented kids to suffer great emotional pain and tragic consequences.
Thankfully, the destructive attachment technology presents to children has been recognized around the globe.
But, unfortunately, and as if on purpose, the COVID-19 pandemic did nothing but blast open the door for the powerful tech industry, money-hungry Big Pharma marketing forces, and the Biden administration’s big government to sell schools and parents on the advantages of propping kids before screens.
And with “Disease X” on the horizon, it seems a safe bet that, along with the sure-to-follow action to lock down the world’s children again, the fear propagated around the latest deadly disease by those pushing their oppressive agenda will override for most the harms of the digital world our children are thrust into.
A January 16, 2024, article by Epoch Times titled “The Silent Epidemic Eating Away Americans’ Minds” noted that excessive use of screens has “become an epidemic silently eroding lives with little resistance.”
In 2012—over a decade prior—a Gallup survey found that roughly 60 percent of young adults admit to spending too much time online.
A subsequent study in 2018 estimated that 83 percent of smartphone users admitted they keep their phone near them “almost all the time during their waking hours.”
Understanding the figures are much worse now, six years later, why are grown-ups allowing this to happen with our kids?
Today, we know that, especially in the first years of life, screen media can play a catastrophic role, increasingly inhibiting development the more it is used.
Sharing alarms from educators, pediatricians, and media experts around screen use in children, a 2019 German report titled “Growing Up Healthy In A World Of Digital Media” warns:
“Toddlers [using screens] already display the first signs of addiction-like behavior. In addition, disturbances in brain development can easily occur, with dire consequences.
Even older children, who increasingly spend more time on screen devices, are in danger.
More frequent media consumption can lead to speech inhibition, attention deficiency, concentration and sleep disturbances, hyperactivity, aggression, right through to reading and spelling disturbances.”
The report explains that, for at least the first twenty years of life, the maturation and increasing differentiation of the neural networks in the frontal lobe of a child’s brain is a continuous process.
Years ago, developmental psychology and neurobiology examined the prerequisites for healthy brain development in children.
Without question, the development of children’s senses, especially of the brain, is exponentially enhanced when childhood years are filled with movement and activities, including running, playing, climbing, somersaulting, balancing, and so on.
Not surprisingly, research shows that the healthiest brain development is directly related to how intensively a child is exposed to the “real things of the natural environment, with fellow human beings, animals, and plants.”
Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards – The High Wire – Jan. 19, 2024
Today’s children are growing up in a reality that increasingly revolves around digital machines and little else. For those unaware—this lonely existence is unacceptable to their health and well-being.
Without question, the destructive effects of a life wired to phones, social media, and video games are causing talented kids to suffer great emotional pain and tragic consequences.
Thankfully, the destructive attachment technology presents to children has been recognized around the globe.
But, unfortunately, and as if on purpose, the COVID-19 pandemic did nothing but blast open the door for the powerful tech industry, money-hungry Big Pharma marketing forces, and the Biden administration’s big government to sell schools and parents on the advantages of propping kids before screens.
And with “Disease X” on the horizon, it seems a safe bet that, along with the sure-to-follow action to lock down the world’s children again, the fear propagated around the latest deadly disease by those pushing their oppressive agenda will override for most the harms of the digital world our children are thrust into.
A January 16, 2024, article by Epoch Times titled “The Silent Epidemic Eating Away Americans’ Minds” noted that excessive use of screens has “become an epidemic silently eroding lives with little resistance.”
In 2012—over a decade prior—a Gallup survey found that roughly 60 percent of young adults admit to spending too much time online.
A subsequent study in 2018 estimated that 83 percent of smartphone users admitted they keep their phone near them “almost all the time during their waking hours.”
Understanding the figures are much worse now, six years later, why are grown-ups allowing this to happen with our kids?
Today, we know that, especially in the first years of life, screen media can play a catastrophic role, increasingly inhibiting development the more it is used.
Sharing alarms from educators, pediatricians, and media experts around screen use in children, a 2019 German report titled “Growing Up Healthy In A World Of Digital Media” warns:
“Toddlers [using screens] already display the first signs of addiction-like behavior. In addition, disturbances in brain development can easily occur, with dire consequences.
“Even older children, who increasingly spend more time on screen devices, are in danger.
“More frequent media consumption can lead to speech inhibition, attention deficiency, concentration and sleep disturbances, hyperactivity, aggression, right through to reading and spelling disturbances.”
The report explains that, for at least the first twenty years of life, the maturation and increasing differentiation of the neural networks in the frontal lobe of a child’s brain is a continuous process.
Years ago, developmental psychology and neurobiology examined the prerequisites for healthy brain development in children.
Without question, the development of children’s senses, especially of the brain, is exponentially enhanced when childhood years are filled with movement and activities, including running, playing, climbing, somersaulting, balancing, and so on.
Not surprisingly, research shows that the healthiest brain development is directly related to how intensively a child is exposed to the “real things of the natural environment, with fellow human beings, animals, and plants.”